We invite those interested in publishing articles to refer them, taking into account all the requirements of form and background. The basic requirements for submission, evaluation and publication, are following:

  1. The articles should be the result of a completed research, in the knowledge area of law and social sciences, never been published and not be sent simultaneously to other journals or dissemination organs.
  2. the formal presentation structure is as follows:

2.1. Title (in Spanish and English).

2.2. Resume in Spanish.

2.3. Abstract

2.4 Key words.

2.6. Introduction.

2.7. Investigation problem.

2.8. Methodological strategy (methods, techniques and research instruments used).

  1. 9. The research findings, organized in chapters.

2.10. Conclusions

2.11 . References

  1. The articles may be written in Spanish, English, French, Italian and Portuguese.
  2. For reception, evaluation and publication, they will be considered scientific research items, articles of reflection and review, in accordance with the established typology by Colciencias in the Guide document of the permanent service of Colombian indexing for science, technology and innovation journals.

4.1 article of scientific research. A document that presents, in detail, the original results of completed research projects. The structure generally used contains four parts: introduction, methodology, results and conclusions.

4.2. Reflection article. A document that presents the results of a completed research from an analytical, interpretative or critical author perspective on a specific, original sources issue.

4.3 Review article. Result a completed research paper where the results of published or unpublished investigations are analyzed, systematized and integrated in order to give an account of the advances and development trends. It is characterized by presenting a careful bibliographical revision of at least 50 references.

  1. The postulated articles must have the sufficient theoretical or empirical Foundation, according to the particular case and the respective sources citations and references bibliographic support. The quotations and bibliographic references are carried out in accordance with the standards APA (American Psychological Association, 6th.) (Edition) or with similar international standards
  2. The name of the Group and the research project of which the article is product or result should be accredited, as well the date of completion, the academic institution that supports it and finances it. The responsible researchers for the article are identified with its training academic title and type of institutional bonding (University, teaching, research). This information is entered in the first page, at page foot.
  3. The articles extension must be between 40,000 and 60,000 characters including spacing, they shall be written in Arial font 12 point, one and half spacing, and letter size.
  4. The submitted articles that are in accordance with policies of the journal and the friendly and favorable concept of external referees (national and international) will be published.
  5. The articles must be sent with a note signed by the author, which certifies that the article is new, a result of a completed investigation and publishing authorization, both in print or electronic form, to the juridical research center of the Law Faculty of Universidad Libre Bogotá.
  6. Those articles may be referred to the following electronic mail:

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